- allShortestPaths
auto allShortestPaths(T grid, RowCol start, U maxCost)
Get the shortest path between a coordinate and each coordinate within a limited range.
- enclosedCoords
auto enclosedCoords(T grid, RowCol origin, Diagonals diags)
Same as enclosedTiles, but return coords instead of tiles
- enclosedTiles
auto enclosedTiles(T grid, RowCol origin, Diagonals diags)
Find an area of tiles enclosed by 'walls'.
- floodCoords
auto floodCoords(T grid, RowCol origin, Diagonals diags)
Same as floodTiles, but return coordinates instead of the tiles at those coordinates.
- floodTiles
auto floodTiles(T grid, RowCol origin, Diagonals diags)
Returns a range that iterates through tiles based on a flood filling algorithm.
- shortestPath
auto shortestPath(T grid, RowCol start, RowCol end)
Get the shortest path between two coordinates.
Provides various useful operations on a tile grid.